Saturday, January 21, 2012

Etta James


                                                                    Etta James.

She was one of my favorites.  She sang as hard as her life was.  Starting as many do, with gospel music, then into R&B.. Later mixing R&B with gospel, jazz, blues, soul, rock and roll, doo wop, and even later adding elements of hip hop.  She was something very different.  Her own person..her own style. 

Her best remembered (popular) song were "At Last", and I Just Want to Make Love to You"... But she was great all round....

In January 2010 she entered the hospital for a MRSA infection and it was then they diagnosed her with Alzheimers.  Which has been said to be the cause of her tirade on Beyonce about singing her song.. Later on in early 2011, she was diagnosed with terminal leukemia, and she died just short of her 74th birthday, yesterday....

Good bye Etta.  Your last few years were very hard ones, and the road ahead, even without leukemia would have been torturous at best.   She can rest now. 

Have snow to shovel now, first one of the season (finally)!

See you later,



  1. RIP, Etta.

    Stay warm, Janie and don't work too hard.

  2. I loved Etta as well. Saw her in concert a few years ago. I listen to her almost daily.

    Thanks for this Janie.

  3. She was wonderful -
    Mary x

  4. while working in someone's studio recently, they had Etta James playing through their sound system. It was very nice to work to and reminded me how much I liked her. She died the next week.
    Good luck with your blog!

  5. She did seem to have a hard go of it the last few years. I was sad to learn of her passing. What a great talent!
