Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hello!! I Haven't Quit! And Learning the New Blogger!

Well hello!

I wish I could say that I was just SOO busy I couldn't blog, but that hasn't been the case.  After a mild winter the WHOLE family came down with a flu-like virus with a bacteria attached that threw us for a loop.  When one of us recovered, we got it back from another went around and around, back and forth, really depleting us.

Once we felt like we were recovering, I noticed my youngest son was coughing none stop.  And I was getting more and more fatigued (I have had a problem with chronic fatigue before, because I had Lyme for over 10 years before it was diagnosed) and fuzzy brained.  Literally at times tripping over my own feet like I was drunk..and never putting two and two together.  You see Lyme affects everyone differently.  For me it was almost all neurological.  But as years go by I noticed the knuckles on my fingers are getting bigger and bigger, then lately being very stiff, and sometimes numb in the morning.  Still, I thought I beat the Lyme.

Lyme Disease is a lot like malaria.  It revisits around the same time you were first infected, symptoms getting weaker and weaker each time..  At first I knew right away when it was back, and would run for a treatment (I lean towards alternative treatments after witnessing countless other who were treated with antibiotics, and faring way worse then me as time went by...) but as time goes by and the symptoms are smaller and smaller you don't notice them until they are BAD...and in this case it never occurred to me that it was Lyme because it's been so long since an episode.  I really, really thought I was done with this Lyme stuff....that makes me nervous... Problem with Lyme is you can't kill it.  It lodges in the base of your brain, and waits until you are weak from something else..then it regains strength.

So I had a treatment today.  My brain is like mush..I can't even think has taken me all day to make a food list, and it still probably isn't right.  I don't know why I bothered.  It's taken me over 2 hours to make this readable...But the treatment affects only last a few days so I expect to be back to relative normal soon, and go back in 3 weeks for another. 

THEN I go on the Blog and find Blogger, like FB, has reformatted everything "for you".... Now I need to learn this!

I am not running off to switch to Word Pres,s or any other Blog least not yet.  I listened to all the talk of panic about FB and was quite panicked myself..about Time Line.  It confused me... Rumors said, "they switch you without warning"  (they haven't), "they "undo" all your privacy settings"  (they haven't), "you have no control" (you have more). 

In fact.. I LIKE FB is even EASIER to make your settings, post pics, check what the public sees if they search for you..monitor posts...and who they go to.

Oh yes, there's SO much drama on FB....  No, there's as much drama as YOU make.  I noticed more and more young ones are leaving FB because of it.  Yet THEY make it by posting every and anything that pops into their brains..meanwhile I have reconnected with cousins in other parts of the country....and friends who have moved.    I have a good many favorite cooking blogs on FB now and I LOVE it...does this mean blogs are done?  Nope...I don't thinks so....I sure don't post things like this on FB..if someone wants to read what I really have to say, read the blog...FB is for connecting..blogs are for blogging...

Meanwhile..while sick as DOGS, all winter and spring..we just found out (at least my youngest son and me) that we have allergies for almost everything around us, and IN the house!  So work is ahead...

Life is about change, and it sure looks like ours is changing BIG time...I don't mind change as long as it isn't TOO fast...and I will post more about changes in upcoming weeks. 

My camera isn't up and running....the garden isn't even started!!  (we got hit with a BIG tax bill this April, and I have MORE to come this year ..then it gets better for us...well not great but better then this year will be... (I rearranged some stuff last year, and I really did know this was coming...not that it will increase anything for me....just make it easier for the boys when know...)

Now!  I need to explore this NEW we'll see how long that takes!   Hopefully Blogger will turn out to be as good, and easy as FB time line turned out to be..if you haven't been switched yet...don't listen to all the hype and scare is like an album..and contains as much or a little as you want...AND we get to keep our home page JUST LIKE IT WAS.. In fact I am having so much fun with it, I am posting MORE public things and then going "pubic" to look at it, then ever before!

Oh well..I can't wait til this Lyme is quiet again, and I can think straight again!

So I have no NEW pics to post  (yet)  so here is an old one from last years garden.. Here's hoping for some sort of garden before to long!

My favorite spring shrub....usually out in early May, has come and gone (this season has been s crazy!  I think most of the "May flowers are done!!)  Hope everything is readable.


See you later (if I ever figure out the NEW Blogger)



  1. Good to see you and glad the family is getting over the flu. Hope you are able to get the Lyme under control, as well.

    Good luck with figuring out the new blogger. I haven't had any major problems yet. Maybe if I was a more diligent blogger, I would have more issues... but that isn't likely to happen, until I get a life worth blogging about. LOL!

    1. Thank you. It is a hard disease because it never quits. AFTER I get re-diagnosed I can see it. I was becoming able to recognize when it was back, but it has been so long since the last episode I just did not see it this time...
      I should be able to figure it our because when it gets strong enough to cause a problem, I have to rethink EVERYTHING I did and said..organization goes out the window, I go in circles and get nothing done..because it is the brain, I just think maybe it's because I am getting older... It is a relief when I find out it ISN'T my brain but this horrible disease..

      It's just that it makes me afraid..afraid because there is just so much I still want to do, and every time I think it is going to be alright, its back again, and my brain goes off... and afraid because I feel like I can never leave this place because of my health care provider (being the only one who correctly diagnosed and treated me..what do I do when he retires or something!? Or if I want to move...) One day at a time I guess..

  2. Good to hear from you - so sorry about the illness and flare up of Lyme. Love the shot from last year!

  3. Thanks Kristal. I miss everyone...miss your kids! lol...I am so behind on email, and reading blogs it is mind boggling. My brain is still spinning...(fuzzy-foggy whatever you want to call it...) I wonder what I must have appeared like to others around time I was actually clumsy..tripping over my own feet like I was drunk and dropping everything I picked up, and just not thinking right..not being interested in ANYTHING I love..cutting myself off from friends, and even family....I think it scares the heck out of my youngest (he is with me the most and notices it the most) A friend of mine in Alberta said "she knew something was wrong, because I get weird when it is active again.." I said, PLEASE tell me when you notice that! (she said she will from now on) Well, now I know what it is. I can start to "rebuild" if you will..

  4. Just checking with you to see if your email has been hacked. Let me know!

    1. Yes ! It was hacked... I think it si fixed..I changed my password.. I think it is ok... What a pain in the butt..that people have nothing better to do then ruin someone elses fun!

    2. I though so... I got a strange email and didn't click the link. I came straight back here to leave you a comment. Glad you have it under control!

  5. Hi....I love your blog matter what your age..never hurts to look nice!
