Monday, February 20, 2012

This is Just A Fantastic Plant Story..And A Rant....

Saw this on the news tonight..maybe you did too.


It is 32000 years old!   Russian scientists found it in the Siberian Tundra..buried by a squirrel (probably anyway) all that time ago...  with a lot more! 

It reminds me of what was supposed to be a  a small ground hugging Phlox I've had coming up in a small bed, for a few years now... I have ever been able to find an actual name for it, or a picture, but it kind of looks look this..even the leaves...

I think it attests to the resilience strength and longevity of plants. Of the earth itself.  It makes me think of the pines that need a forest fire to germinate...  The amazing-ness of the world we live in..could this all just "happen?   Could there be anything but a creator?  That creation just keeps on going on!  A creator that makes sure no matter what happens on earth, no matter what humans do to it, it will never be destroyed, but be renewed..over and over again...what ever it takes... 

If man would just stop trying to make it bend to what he wants......and "go with the flow" of with it..instead of fighting it...or time.....or change....and can take care of itself...renew itself...and us too...

Time to think about what BIG business, and corporation farming is doing not only to the planet, to the ground itself, to the the air and water, but to humans as well..and the animals, and birds and even the insects, and yes, the plants as well, that live on it.   Time to think about what pharmaceuticals are telling millions of people "what they need to ask their Drs for"...  GMO foods....ok..let them do that..but LABEL it so the ones who don't want to poison themselves and their families....OUR families, can say no to it...

They keep saying that "our" voices make a I figure if no one buys it....they will have to stop right?   But of course they should have to label it.  Wonder if thats why corporate farming doesn't WANT it labeled..  Because after all, it is all about the profit right?

Sorry...That's my rant for the night..thanks for listening!  Wish I had some pictures to share...but the camera needs some repair!!  Too many people using it I guess...haha!

See you 'round the corner..


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