No matter how many times I have gotten chicks, it is like the first time, every time...
I am taking pics but so far none on my son's computer so I have none to share (yet) but they are so cute...
Generally when I get chicks I get about 30 or so. But since I am not sure whether we are going to be here or someplace else, I only got 5 to add to the 7 older ones I already have....there is one rooster, (Aracauna), a Speckled Sussex, a Gold Buff Orphington and 4 Aracaunas in the old flock....the only ones still laying, are the Aracaunas, but being older it is not as often....even still, I have to say I am getting (out of the 4) about 2-3 eggs every 2-3 days.... (not bad for about 7 years old or so.. I like Aracaunas because they are winter hardy, gentle birds, and good layers They are a little bit "street" smart when it comes to foraging, protecting themselves from predators, and they are generally quiet....they lay far longer then other breeds lay....) It appears that I have 4 Aracaunas (the chicks look like striped brown chipmunks) and one of them is white!! Not sure yet what it is..I DID order all Aracaunas...(but then generally don't come in white!)
Once the youngsters start laying I will have a steady 5 eggs a day (and whatever the older ones still give me) for a year or so before they slow down. And if and when we move, I will get a whole batch of 30 or so...
I wasn't sure what to expect. This is a new company for me..closer to they will ship smaller numbers since they will get here quicker. It was hard to NOT pick through the book and get some of these and some of those! I like variety, so like to see white brown, green, blue, pinkish, khaki, and every other color between when I collect eggs...
I was not sure if they would bring them to the door (as the post office did the last time..but then..30 chicks can make a LOT of noise...they came knocking at 6:30 am that time) Past times they called us at 6:30 am.
This little bunch came around 10 am and they called me right away..gave me the option of waiting to have them delivered (which cold have taken 2 hours!) or pick them up..of course I picked them up...
I had everything set up for them. Since it has been cool and there are only 5 of them, I set up a box and brooder light at the end of the kitchen. Took them, one at a time, out of their box, and dipped their beaks in water to get them started, and sprinkled some feed on the ground outside the feeder to help them find it, and to give them the option of using the feeder or the ground. Then I replaced the nesting material back in the box for them. In about a week or so I will start bringing them bits of grass and dandelions and offer them chick grit.
They are so cute..our cats can NOT believe we brought them chicks to watch!! I have the lid, of the rather large box, partially closed and a garden sifting screen across the open part, so the cats can not get in. I have the brooder light on top of the screen. I had it hanging in the box but it seemed to hot for them so I raised it up...we can't stop watching them...
I Love watching their (very quick) stages of growth and their new feathers come in making them eventually look like mini cute...and so funny! The "real" feathers start coming in about a week or 2, or so (depends on the breed, the chick and the individual health) a month they might be fully that time you can start introducing them to the older hens, but in my experience, I am waiting until they are a little bit bigger to defend themselves...(if need be)
Meanwhile, between peeking at the new chicks and trying to get ANYTHING else done the past 2 days, I have been planting successions plantings of spring vegetables, starting the zinnias and marigolds inside this year. Past years they just have not been sprouting when direct seeded, so this year they get started inside. Only problem is this house really doesn't have a good window for starting seeds, so even that is limited for me here. Also have been digging potted plants out of the beds, to put on the porch and repotting ones I think need it. Alas, most of the pots were supposed to be temporary and so are empty kitty litter containers!! Not so pretty, but I just wanted to few cuttings to be able to be moved if our move took place in the winter...soo..with that being might ask...
"Is the house ready to sell?" ...Heck NO!!
I have been so busy outside I have not really worked inside in over a couple of months. ( I mean things like repainting cabinet doors, and big things like that..checking what needs to be fixed or replaced, gotten rid last "go-through" revealed quite a bit of work needed...ceilings and all...I wish I could hire someone!!)
A decision to move includes my son's because they live here with me..that means disrupting jobs, friends, unless they stay behind, but 85% of the grown kids on LI move back in with parents, because:
1-their family is here and 2-they can't afford to live on their own..very sad...
...although I do not plan to move too sisters are here.. but school taxes are expected to rise as much as 4%...4%!! next year.... That's a pretty high price to pay for someone who's kids:
1- never USED the public schools anyway, and 2-are WAY past school age now...
Even though I am in a low tax area (and I pity the ones in higher tax areas) I am still paying over $4000 a year. (my sisters, in another county pay up to $10,000 a year!! for small houses on top of each other!) I could go to another state (take NJ for instance) that is "said" to have such high taxes, but in the southern farm area some are paying a 1/4 of what I am paying now (for houses with property! Zoned for farm use and animals) ..even half would be a blessing!!
So..back to work..and peeking...
Anyone else out there got their chicks yet?
See ya later,