Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Don't Like To....

I don't like to talk political, but just this one time...

It seems there are but a very few politicians in government today in any branch (large or small) that appear to be honest and know what they are there for.  (It appears Giffords was one..and Carolyn McCarthy seems to be another)

Today it seems that most of them (men and women) are in the game for prestige, money, and whatever agenda THEY have...  They talk tough....even most of the women....who act like they have to be tough "like a man", to show them "they can do it too..".  (whatever they think "it" is, whether it is going nose to nose in a debate, or talking dirty, or slinging a gun or threats.) Or maybe they do have to be "tough like a man", in this man's club, to be heard...
And if they (both men and women) aren't talking tough they think it is fine to "dip into the til", because after all .."it's for the people, THEY deserve it"...

Well, news flash!  THEY work for US...regardless of what party they are affiliated with...not the other way around....the government doesn't PAY them WE do..and we pay them plenty...THEY work for us!  Enough games....

Ok 'nuff said...back to work,

See ya later,


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